COPYCAT is quite watchable if you're a fan of this genre, but the whole storyline is kind of TV-Land same ol', predictable, and nothing terribly original despite the winning premise. A little more on Peter Foley, who/why he is, and what motivates him would also have helped. The Adventures Of Harry Nile RADIO DRAMA: The Adventures Of Harry Nile: Harry Nile, a hard luck American private eye, and his beautiful partner, Murphy, wh.

COPYCAT has an interesting premise, but, as horrible as the following may sound, it would have been nice if they'd taken it a bit further, having the killer imitate a few others before the big come-uppance. Book 1 The Adventures of Harry Nile Volume 1 by Jim French 4. Harry Connick, JR, is also memorable in his bad-guy role here. Discover the English Radio/TV Program at Audible.

Many people will not like her performance for the very reasons that I do like it-Imagine Sarah Palin in the role of a homicide detective, and you'll see what I mean. The Adventures of Harry Nile: I Witness as its meant to be heard, narrated by Larry Albert, Pat French, Mary Anne Dorward, Old Time Radio. Sigourney Weaver gives a nice performance here, but Holly Hunter really defines the show as uncoppish cop M.J. COPYCAT (1995) is well-produced and gripping, with some interesting quirks of character. I'm 48 and often miss the careful production and story/character development of 80s/90s films, elements that are so often missing in many of today's movies, particularly crime-suspense dramas.